Damola's blog

You may not need React

Interactive web pages can be created with libraries that are simpler than React: alpineJS, Svelte; or even no library at all: vanillaJS.

February 07, 2021 | 8 min. read

I think React is currently the default UI library for web development. And for good reason. Itā€™s relatively high-performance and easy to learn, and more importantly, has a large ecosystem around it. Just about anything you want to create, thereā€™s a good chance someoneā€™s made it, and has it available as a package. But React is not perfect and not always the right choice. This is an exploration of libraries Iā€™ve used and I consider to be, in certain cases, better alternatives.

Going Reactā€¦less?

I still primarily use react, I am confidently productive writing in the hooks/functional pattern - in fact, I enjoy the pattern. However, I think it can be an overkill for simple use cases. Responding to events, making http calls, and substituting elements on a page, is not that hard at small scale. Having to transpile and bundle - fiddling with webpack and babel etcā€¦ just to get some interactivity ā€” is a little too much. The same complaint applies to Angular and Vue (with single file components) or any other library that requires a build step and has a non-trivial runtime. For creating a new web app (site?) - its worthwhile considering something simpler than react - it will remove a lot of complication and reduce the time it takes to create a working app - and maintaining it.

For the most basic ā€œsampleā€ app: this is what a react component that has a counter looks like:

import { useState } from "react" export default function App({ name }) { const [count, setCount] = useState(0) return ( <div className="App"> <p>My name is {name}</p> <h1>Button Clicked: {count} times</h1> <button onClick={() => setCount((count) => count + 1)}>Add 1</button> </div> ) }

Most of this code is tiny compared to what the browser will actually run - all of the JSX (html-looking part) inside the return statement isnā€™t valid javascript - itā€™s syntactic sugar for more complex function calls to React APIs and it all gets transpiled and bundled before shipping. This is what I sometimes find unnerving about react, especially with smaller apps. It sometimes feels like too much abstraction. There are many, many alternatives to React. JavaScript isnā€™t exactly short on libraries (for better or worse), but I want to focus on three.


The first option here, is, well, the ā€œuse nothingā€ option. Just write JavaScript, inside html (or a script file) and make use of all the native DOM (the document object model) apis; the same ones every other library depends on anyway. The "vanillaJs" route. I recommend reading the tongue-in-cheek site created for vanillajs. Itā€™s impressive is just how much more efficient using plain/vanilla is over adding a library - essentially a middle-man to DOM operations. This is definitely going to be the best-performing approach. Bundle size is 0Kb+ - you only have to worry about how much code you write. Nothing beats that. And of course, thereā€™s no build step. Just write, save. And youā€™re done.

Vanilla JS Example

Hereā€™s a working example of an incrementing button in vanilla js.

<html> <body> <div id="app"> <p id="label">Button clicked: 0 times</p> <button id="click">Add 1</button> </div> <script> const btn = document.getElementById("click") const label = document.getElementById("label") let clicked = 0 btn.addEventListener("click", () => { clicked += 1 label.innerText = `Button clicked :${clicked} times` }) </script> </body> </html>

I consider this a clearer, more explicit code than the react example. It is exactly how the browser works. Creating a non-trivial web page using this vanillajs is a good learning experience; even if for no other reason than understanding how the browser APIs work.

This looks like a stateful component in vanilla, but itā€™s definitely not. Based on context, it could be buggy. Itā€™s intentionally simple, the point isnā€™t state management. Iā€™m simply highlighting whatā€™s possible.


I consider alpinejs the perfect bridge between repeatedly writing code to CRUD (create, read, update, delete) DOM elements/listen for events (like above), and reaching for a full-fledged library like react. With vanilla js, these operations are as fast as they will ever get, but it also gets very redundant calling document.getElementById. Many lazy good developers will get sick of doing this, create helper functions and classes to reduce the repetition, and by the time theyā€™re done, they would have created the ten-thousandth javascript UI library - or they might accidentally recreate alpineJS. AlpineJS is a ā€œscriptā€ in the strict meaning in html. Itā€™s bundle comes in at 4Kb, and provides exactly 14 directives for working with the dom (plus 6 properties that I think are more for edge cases). Yes, the entire API is just 14 basic concepts to learn. It literally takes reading a readme file to learn all of alpinejs. I doubt there are a lot more frameworks that can boast such simplicity. And using alpinejs only requires adding a script tag in an html file, andā€¦thatā€™s it. Directives are used by adding them to the respective element, these are native dom elements, not JSX or some other syntax magic. Example:

<h1 x-show="false">I will be hidden</h1>

x-show to toggle the visibility of an element, like above. x-data directive that creates a scope (essentially, a state) for an html element. x-model to 2-way bind an input element to a variable - this takes multiple lines in react, as you need to declare state, bind the value of an input (one-way) to the state, and then set up an event listener to update the state when the input changes. That gets tedious, but it needs to be done ā€” always. x-for for loopsā€¦ and others in the docs. These directives are similar to how vue works as well. With the added benefit of not requiring any build step, and being a much smaller bundle and API.1 For adding new elements, alpine cleverly uses <template> elements which is meant to be used precisely as fragments to be referenced in scripts - essentially a simpler model for what a component is in react. I really like that alpineJs embraces and properly utilizes native DOM apis this way.

Hereā€™s the same counter but with alpinejs:

Alpine JS Example

This is a working example of a stateful component (click counter). This, just like the vanilla example, can be served as an html file, as-is - and it will work in a browser.

<html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/alpinejs/alpine@v2.x.x/dist/alpine.min.js" defer ></script> </head> <body> <div x-data="clicks()" id="click-counter"> <p x-text="text">Button Clicked:</p> <button @click="increment()">Add 1</button> </div> </body> <script> function clicks() { return { clicked: 0, get text() { return `Button Clicked ${this.clicked} times` }, increment: () => (this.clicked += 1), } } </script> </html>


Another qualm I have is with reactā€™s the virtual dom (the existence of it). Itā€™s part of why every react app has to ship a minimum of 40kb+ of js bundle (react + react-dom) to work with react; that and its pretty extensive API. This isnā€™t earth-shatteringly large but itā€™s also not zero. And not using react will definitely bring that size down by a lot. Shipping very small bundle size is just great, with no downsidesā€¦? This is one of the reasons I really like Rust - you donā€™t pay for what you donā€™t use.

Svelte is akin to Rust in this sense. It has no runtime. All of svelte magic is done during compilation. The script thatā€™s generated is all your logic with svelte helper functions added around it. Unlike vanilla and alpine however, I find svelte to be a much steeper climb when it comes to learning. I built a basic contact image generator with svelte to learn it and that was definitely not as simple as working alpinejs (an admittedly very high bar). So yes, svelte is probably as complex as react, to learn, but actually functions much simpler than react.

For example, to create a stateful component in svelte looks like:

<script> count = 0 // declare state export name = ""; // this is a prop const increment = () => count += 1; </script> <div> <p>My name is {name}</p> <p>count: {count}</p> <button on:click="{increment}">Add 1</button> </div>

Updating state is just a reassignment of that variable. I think this is more natural than in react. Although, I still prefer the functional/no mutation approach in react, since it reduces chances of unintentional state updates and the bugs that come with that.

And for a component property (values passed from a parent), its just a variable export. The reason I like Svelte, is because, itā€™s more succinct than react - you write less code to achieve essentially the same functionality. And less, well, less is more (always). Of course, the fact that Svelte is compile-time instead of a run time library is just icing on top. I would still recommend even it if it had a run time like react 2. Just because it presents this more approachable API.

So yes, you may not need React. Thereā€™s a certain level of, bliss Iā€™ll call it, when using something like alpinejs - where your html and script is your application - no more, no less. It goes to show that web development can be uncomplicated. I think the ecosystem would be a little better, if us developers focus more on Keeping It Simple.

  1. Vue can technically be used as a script tag - but thatā€™s not really how itā€™s expected to be used, and so most of its API is designed around a project structured with a bundler.
  2. It could be debatable want ā€œcountsā€ as a run time. But svelte has no minimum bundle size like react does - your bundle size grows linearly with your code. I think thatā€™s a good place to draw the line.

Adedamola Shomoye

By Adedamola Shomoye

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