Damola's blog

How I Built This

Take a look under the hood.

February 18, 2020 | 6 min. read

There are references to tech/tools I used in previous versions of the blog. Iā€™m keeping it this way forā€¦ letā€™s say posterity.

I have moved the actual posts (.md files) into a private repo and added that as a git submodule in the public repo. Iā€™ve always felt like I needed a better way to separate the ā€œcontentā€ from the ā€œappā€. I looked up ā€œprivate git submoduleā€ and the first answer is from a blogger who had literally the same idea - shout out to them.

Hosting (Netlify)

I have now moved this site to Netlify. I do still have a running version on Githb pages but moving to Netlify was inevitable.

Another added benefit is having more control over the headers of the files, I was getting dinged in chrome lighthouse for having low TTL on the static files. Github doesnā€™t allow changing this but Netlify does. Also, Netlify has way better CDN. So things should be even more blazingly fast!

This site has been off to a good to start. Definitely not perfect, but good enough for me. For the curious mind, rest easy, I am about divulge the secret recipe for this majestic project. Spoiler alert: I mainly cobbled together other peopleā€™s code and made it work for me. Of course, the real challenge is knowing what to use, and using it right. You can call it an art, I call it ā€engineeringā€. This whole blog is a JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, Markup). Itā€™s lean and affords me to iterate (very) quickly. I can churn out blog posts so fast youā€™d think they were being made in China šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³! Also, the ā€œinfrastructureā€ piece is actually about not having an infrastructure. Itā€™s allā€¦ (pause for effect)ā€¦ serverless (get ready for buzzwords!). The site is all static. No need to maintain a ā€œweb serverā€ sending down data for each page load. If you want to know more, hereā€™s a good explanation on the topic. jamstack.wtfā§‰


Getting right to it, the major piece of this puzzle is Gatsby. This is a really popular static site generator thatā€™s based on React. I think thereā€™s others but this is so big there wasnā€™t much point checking others. This is an important factor when choosing frameworks because I (and really most devs) donā€™t want to have to write everything from scratch. Especially really common things that youā€™re guaranteed to need anywhere ā€” like routing which gatsby handles automatically (and elegantly if I might add). The entire codebase is all on React 16, so no class components, for the most part. Itā€™s all hooks!! And man, do I šŸ’• hooks. Declarative programming is a revolution! This isnā€™t the goal of this post so I wonā€™t go into too much detail on React hooks and gatsby but the basics are:

  • I write all posts in Markdown (the ā€œmarkupā€ portion of ā€œJAMā€) and this is converted into html by gatsby-transformer-remark
  • I have some non-trivial logic with images and galleries that I put some work into making it clean and reusable (as best as I could). It is all based around useContext and useReducer hooks in React and react-image-lightbox package for the gallery. I use rehype-react so I can still use my complex image components inside my markdown files. If you know about mdx and wonder why I donā€™t use this. Well, for one, I didnā€™t even know about MDX when I started using rehype-react, and secondly mdx generates one page per markdown file so reusing gatsby logic would be a pain. Right now, I still only have a javascript file for generating all the blog pages. Also, the coupling between the image components that I have right now would just end up with me writing really messy *.mdx files. I do not want that, at all. One of my main focus of design was to make sure all of my posts remain in markdown. Thereā€™s a lot of benefits but one of the big ones is that I can write on the go. I can write markdown on my phone, but definitely not JavaScript. Thereā€™s still some pretty important plugins that make things all nice and pretty but theyā€™re mostly plug and play. Everything I use is in my package.json file and youā€™re free to check it outā§‰

Media (Sirv)

I have moved out of Digital Ocean. I primarily have more words than pictures (although, maybe I could save more time by reversing that?). Anyway, digital ocean spaces arenā€™t free. And for a side project whose main value to me, is something to tinker with, I didnā€™t quite like paying for the digital ocean space. It was up to 50Gb, and I just donā€™t need it. Sirv is limited to 500MB on the free plan, but that will suffice for, well, very long. I will gladly support a good service (in fact, its taken me this long to leave the server because I liked supporting them). My main motivation, was actually not the cost, it was because I really wanted to serve progressive images to devices based on screen sizes. Sirv does this for you, all with just a query parameter on the url to the image! Being free, was just the icing on top. It took me 15 minutes, to migrate all media and just update the root url for all media. Iā€™m happier now. I donā€™t have to bother with any local optimizations. Creating images of 240, 600, 1200px just doesnā€™t sound very fun. Itā€™s all server-side. Its the kind of plug-and-play I like to see. Lets me focus on what matters to me.

Github Pages

This is less relevant. The site is primarily on Netlify, but there is a seconday version on pages, contigency and what-not.

Google domains

This barely counts as an implementation detail since a domain provider almost never matters when deciding an infrastructure. I did want to call out that the sweet looking .dev TLD (top-level domain) in my site link is because Google started handing these out. Itā€™s one of the few domains that has an HTTPS requirement (which makes itā€¦ cool[er] ā€” maybe? šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø).

Update: 03-21: I have decided to remove ticksel analytics from my site. Even though itā€™s a privacy respecting service, ad blockers still consider it a tracking pixel (and technically speaking, it is), so I figured I wasnā€™t getting much value out of it. I might resort to setting up my own basic analytics sytem just to have an idea of usage but this site will be 100% tracking free. Huzzah! šŸ˜


I use goatcounter, an even leaner alternative to Ticksel. I really donā€™t need analytics here. But, getting hit count, is kind of nice, making it easy to know what might need to be updated. I love goatcounter, and, it thankfully doesnā€™t get blocked by adblockers; unlike Ticksel, which even though was simple, it evidently wasnā€™t simple enough.

Update 09/18/2022

I no longer use Hasura/Heroku. Iā€™ve moved the data to Cloudflare workers KV. See here

Iā€™ve also removed the Newsletter and form. Itā€™s better this way forā€¦ everybody. And I donā€™t use forestry anymore. Itā€™s nice and all but just not nice enough. Mostly cause I probably broke their expectations of what a ā€œcleanā€ static site should be. I have a good enough number of custom components rendered from the markdown files that itā€¦ never quite worked 100%. Now I just use my good-old editor. My last post I actually started drafting on my phone in Bear. Good enough.

### Ticksel

### Hasura/Heroku

### Send In Blue

### Editting (forestry.io)

Last updated: September 18, 2022

Adedamola Shomoye

By Adedamola Shomoye

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